About Us

Allagash Armament LLC

Maine’s Online Gunshop

  Allagash Armament was started in 2022 by two regular guys looking to provide the best products at the lowest prices possible and a company that values the Second Amendment, and providing customers with the best products. With both of us being relatively new to the reloading side of shooting we have found there is a gap in the market for one stop shopping. Damian and I both had the idea of starting a gun business before we even knew that one another had the same idea. We figured we should build that one stop shop that we have always been looking for.

We are constantly buying, sourcing, and testing new products not only for ourselves but for our customers, to make sure we have up to date knowledge of the gun industry. 


Here is a little big about the owners.


Damian Belanger

 Born and raised in Maine, firearms have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Firearm heritage runs deep in Maine, and we aim to help pass that heritage onto future generations.

My firearm’s education started in the boy scouts, first with the 22 L.R. and then to shotguns and centerfire rifles. Middle school,high school & college were filled with hunting and target practice. Post College is when the hobby turned into an obsession. For the first few years all guns interested me, but military surplus firearms were what I gravitated towards most, learning the history of a gun before a purchase and diving into the smallest details to learn as much as I could after a purchase. From mil-surps stemmed the interest in reloading ammunition, as my collection grew I began to own firearms chambered in what would be considered today as odd-ball cartridges. That interest in reloading has since turned into an obsession in it’s own right, with that came an interest in making very accurate ammunition & building rifles worthy of firing that ammunition. Since then I’ve began competing in PRS competitions and look forward to competing in matches in the future.

Naturally these passions have turned into what you see here today, Allagash Armament LLC.


Jordan Harmon

Born and raised in South Florida my buddies and I were avid shooters and passionate about gun ownership. Whether it be building AR-15s or doing drills on rifle and pistol mechanics, we were always doing something with guns. Recently i have take up a love for precision rifles and reloading. Little did i know what this would turn into. I was fortunate enough to learn from Damian on which gear to buy based on  his experience. This is a major reason we wanted to start a business together to supply everyone from the entry level to the professional with the gear they need. My passion for the firearm industry is not only a hobby for me but a fundamental excercising my right to bear arms. We both hold the Second Ammendment very close to our hearts and want to provide a place to purchase all items that support 2A belivers.


-Thank you for shopping with us. Every purchase with us is a purchase supporting the Second Ammendment. 


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