Tall Target test

Tall Target test

Is your scope tracking properly? Is the reticle truly level? One quick and easy way to answer these two questions is to conduct a “Tall Target Test”. What do we mean when we ask “is a scope tracking properly?” Simply put it means when I dial my elevation turret up 3.5...
Bullet Biology Part 2

Bullet Biology Part 2

Let’s talk about monolithic bullets! Also known as homogenous bullets, they’re entirely constructed out of one material, usually cooper or a cooper-zinc alloy. For the purposes of this post we’re going to stick to the performance of the projectile down range, on the...
Bullet Biology Part 1

Bullet Biology Part 1

With hunting season right around the corner in Maine I’d like to start a new weekly topic about bullet construction and their uses. In regards to gun rights it’s Important to recognize that hunters represent a sizable portion of the gun owners in Maine, and with that...